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Innovations in manufacturing technologies: Towards a circular economy and a resilient future

25 Jun 2024

This workshop envisages presenting and discussing the advancements provided by five pioneering projects - AIDEAS Project, s-X-AIPI, Circular TwAIn Project, ADMIRAL and TRANSIENCE. The objective is to share their unique journeys into the manufacturing industry's digital transformation, fostering discussion and encouraging the sharing of experiences among related European projects at different stages of maturity.
Each project will showcase its advances in the development of advanced AI technologies, unmasking current trends and initiatives driving the manufacturing industry by covering different phases of the value chain, such as design, production, use or logistics.
Demonstrating how they are supporting the industry with their digitalisation and the impact they are having on circularity and resilience. Starting with 5 different presentations the workshop will conclude with an open to discuss the challenges and future perspectives.


José Ferreira, UNINOVA

Hezam HAIDAR, Technical Manager at INTEROP-VLab



Miguel A. Mateo-Casali, Researcher at the CIGIP-UPV of the Universitat Politècnica de València - AIDEAS Project

Sergio Gusmeroli, Research Coordinator at Politecnico di Milano - s-X-AIPI

Gabriella Monteleone, Research & Innovation Manager at Politecnico di Milano - Circular TwAIn Project

Steve Bageritz, Senior Project Manager at Steinbeis Europa Zentrum - ADMIRAL

Panagiotis Kokkinakos, Decision Support Systems Laboratory (ICCS - NTUA) – TRANSIENCE