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Kick-off meeting

06 Jan 2024
Kick-off meeting #1

The kick-off meeting for the Horizon Europe project TRANSItioning towards an Efficient, carbon-Neutral Circular European industry (TRANSIENCE) was held as a hybrid event on February 6 and February 7, 2024!

After brief presentations of all the twelve TRANSIENCE partners expectations, we had the chance to discuss various organisational, management, and operational aspects with our Horizon Europe project advisor, Eskarne Arregui (DG HADEA). Each partner was given the floor to present the added value of their domain and tools of expertise, aimed to further expand the TRANSIENCE framework. There was also a fruitful brainstorming on the determination of the right steps to indicate and attract the most relevant stakeholder engagement as well as to further promote synergies and the exploitation prospects of future TRANSIENCE results.

Kick-off meeting #2

We then focused on the central element of TRANSIENCE: the creation of an open, integrated, modular framework (MIC3). After going through our collaboration strategy towards unfolding all model development vis a vis decarbonisation and circularity, we had a preliminary discussion on collecting, mapping, and comparing the major characteristics, parameters, and application areas of each satellite module documentation, aiming to eventually achieve targeted model interfaces that respond to policymakers and stakeholders priorities and needs.

With this kick-off, TRANSIENCE starts its exciting journey to simulate pathways toward achieving the transition of European industries to climate neutrality in the next four years. It will develop a transdisciplinary scientific approach to legitimise the implementation process, co-create research questions, and establish vibrant communities of practice.